Adding a Hyperlink to your event
Adding a hyperlink to a calendar event is super easy once you learn the trick.
Open a calendar event's Add or Edit an Event window by clicking on an existing link or by creating a new event. Enter some descriptive text in the large field below the small icons.
Highlight the desired text, and then click the hyperlink icon (it looks like a 2-linked chain).
In the Address field enter the URL (link) to the web page you want to link to, then click the OK button.
The Text to display is the hyperlink display text. The Title is what will display when you hover over a link before clicking on it.
The Open Link In... field lets you specify a window to open the link in. The default is Current Window, meaning the link will open in the current window, replacing the view of your event in the browser. If you choose New Window the link will open in a new window, leaving the calendar event open on the user's computer, so they can quickly return to your calendar.