Scrolling featured events

You can feature upcoming calendar events in the Scrolling box at the top of your calendar to draw special attention to the event. 

In this article

Set up Featured Events

Feature a specific calendar event

How to set up Featured Events

Before you can feature a specific event in the scrolling box, you must set your calendar to use Featured Events. To do so, follow these easy steps:

1. From the home page dashboard select Calendar Options.

2. From Scrolling Events select your preference. If you choose the last option, Don't show scrolling window, Featured events will be unavailable.
3. If you choose to show the scrolling window, select the speed by sliding the bar for Slow or Fast. You can see the Sample of how fast it will run on your calendar.
4. Click Save at the top right-hand corner of the page. 

If selected, the scrolling events will display at the top of the edit and preview calendar pages as follows:

Feature a specific event

In the Add or Edit an Event dialog box, you can set a calendar event to be featured by clicking the Feature Event tab at the top of the page. 

The calendar event can be featured in 2 ways from this page:   
1. You can check an event to be featured and it will always be featured until the date of the event has passed OR
2. You can feature an event for a specific period of time by checking the box to Feature This Event AND provide the start and finish date to feature the event. For example, if you would like a Valentine's Dinner to be featured the entire week before Valentine's Day, simply type the dates 2/7/18 and 2/14/18 at the Feature this Event field.

SPECIAL NOTE: Your featured events will only show in the scroll box at the top of the calendar only if you have the scroll box set to display 'Events marked as Featured Events' from the Calendar Options page.

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